“I don't know how long I sat there everyday, looking at that shadowy reflection across from me.
This figure of another world, beyond the boundaries of glass and skin and time between us.
It was everything I was not, but in it, I could see the shapes of my voice, the sounds of my eyes.
And when it spoke, I could taste my own tongue. Those silent syllables of a lost language, sifting through my mind.
In its inhumanity I was repelled, but understood. Calling me from far away with a voice just like mine.
It spoke of beyond, and I saw before. It spoke of no ends, and I saw no beginnings."
This duet is an attempt to create an atmosphere of curiosity and anxiety by intentionally limiting conceptual choice. To see what can be produced as a result of intense monotony and unchanging apprehension. Instead of being allowed a playground of infinite options and widely varying dynamics, it attempts to put itself in a conceptual corner to focus its entire purpose on only one point.
An Excerpt of a Concept on Ritual and Monotony was a Top 10 Finalist of the 32nd International Choreography Competition in Hannover
Choreography: Max Levy
Dancers: Max Levy, Miyuki Shimizu
Music: Lock Bites Key by LORN
Choreographic Assistance: Miguel Toro
Additional Thanks: Kirill Berezovski, Claudia Greco, Kihako Narisawa, Ting-An Ying, Mana Miyagawa
Premiered: June 29, 2018; 32nd International Choreography Competition; Hannover
Photographs: Ralf Mohr